What is true love mean? Do you still believe that truelove exists in this generation? No! Then what many people are experiencing either love or just temporary feelings like infatuation or lust?    

Love is a great emotion and genuine feelings for someone. True love is all about maintaining a healthy relationship. The one who truly loves you will never leave you for small reasons, as we know that love between the people gets strong only through overcoming arguments. They care for you, disturb you and finally, they will do everything for your happiness. 

These are the things to follow for a healthy relationship :
  • Don't hide, share everything- the good and the bad which is related to you.
  • Respect each other feelings, meet each other expectations.
  • Accept, protect, support each other.
  • Clear your misunderstandings within a short time by stepping out of your Ego.
  • Do the things which makes them happy and don't hurt them.
  • Be affectionate. 
  • Be with Patience and show concern towards them
  • Don't break your promises.  
  • Don't lose trust  because without trust love is nothing.

If you really want that loved person in your life. Learn to compromise on the things for the person with love. This makes your life beautiful.