Hello everyone, Now we are going to discuss such an interesting and most important topic about our parents. Parents, The word itself resembles true and unconditional love. Both Father and Mother always strive for our happiness. Every second they think about us. They are the most precious gift from God . They help us in every step of our life. They teach us to how to handle the situations.

From the moment the woman gave birth to child,  Mother  forgets about herself, she doesn't think about her own wellbeingEvery minute she thinks about her child's safety like what to do, what not to do. 

Father takeup all the responsibilities of his child. He cares, supports his children in every situation, regardless of whether they do many wrong things. He always stands by our side and monitor us patiently what is right and what is wrong. 

Parents always give us the things we adore when we ask them. They tolerate us patiently. Even though we grew up, they care, they love in the same manner they did when we are young. 

Yet, the saddest thing happening nowadays is the majority of the individuals who got married or running with their busy scheduled life, Don't even care about their parents.

Parents sacrifice their whole life thinking about their children but these youngsters are in a position where they can't even spend a minute for their aging parents.

Don't avoid, disrespect your parents only because of them you are here remember this. Try to spend at least 10 minutes with your parents apart from your routine work schedule. 

It means them alot when you talk with them. Do communicate with them, Do celebrate your weekends with them. Care aboutheir wellbeing, needs, show your affection to your aging parents.