We all have Friends with us in every stage of our lives like Childhood Friends, School Friends, College Friends. Do you love your Friends more than like anything in this world ? Do you Make your friends to do silly things alone ? No Right, We just cannot put our words to express about the moments we enjoy with our friends together no matter what and how silly that moments could be.

Friends are not those who leaves you when you are in trouble. At that moment we can realize who the real and true friends are. Those real friends are very precious, very rare not every one deserves these kind of friends. Those are god gift to us. Do you have atleast one real friend in your life? If yes, you are damn lucky to have them don't miss them by any chance.

  • Friends are valuable, greatest what not the best things that we have in our life. 
  • A  good friend is the one who shows you the right path when you are going in a wrong direction, inspires you , believes you , makes you laugh when your moody, understands you , cares you, demands you, Fights with you .
  • A Good friend always supports  and stands by your side in every hard situation.
  • They loves you unconditionally and never judge you. 
  • They Fight for every little things but in every fight your friendship will get stronger by understanding each other.